Job: Garden Manager at Connecticut Farm Education Center

New Pond Farm LogoJob Opening for a Garden Manager at Connecticut Farm Education Center, 2012 New Pond Farm Education Center is an environmental center and working farm in West Redding, CT. It was once the home of our founder, actress Carmen Mathews, and it is an outstanding outdoor classroom. We have a variety of habitats for our environmental programs including woodlands, wetlands, and pastures. Our Native American programs are enhanced by an authentically-recreated encampment. Our astronomy buildings are home to monthly astronomy programs as well as being the field station for Joel Barlow High School. Our farm programs take place in our barns, which house milking cows, sheep, chickens and roosters. Our barn-like Learning Center with its classroom and spacious meeting areas has been the site of art shows, adult lectures, barn dances and more. In 2007 New Pond Farm was designated a Connecticut Dairy Farm of Distinction, people visiting our Dairy Annex may purchase freshly pasteurized milk and yogurt. Our vegetable and herb gardens are featured in our Shared Harvest Program, and are an integral part of  our summer camp and harvest-based classes. For a summary of the position and information on how to apply click "read more"

Position Summary

The Garden Manager’s position is seasonal from March through early November, with responsibilities including, but not limited to, the management of the farm’s two vegetable gardens and herb garden. Crop production, planning and management, intern supervision, budget management, planning, and shareholder relations will be included along with the  overall management of the Shared Harvest program for twenty families with an emphasis on an organic model of farming, where all planting and harvesting are done by hand. The Garden Manager will report to the Executive Director and work closely with other members of the year round staff.

New Pond Farm offers a variety of fresh produce to twenty member families for twenty weeks of the growing season. The Shared Harvest program is in its sixth year when from June through October, members receive a share of what is growing in the farm’s vegetable, herb and flower gardens. The program also offers a dairy and meat option which will be coordinated with our Farm Manager. Members can choose among gallons, and half gallons of milk and quarts of yogurt. The meat option consists of beef, lamb, pork, and veal.

In September we host a Harvest Dinner celebrating the bounty of the gardens and barnyard. The Garden Manager plays a key role in this event, working with our volunteers and chef, ensuring they have the agreed upon quantity and variety of produce.

Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of and experience with growing vegetables without added chemicals; Strong work ethic and desire to learn; Self-motivated and willing to take initiative; Attention to detail and efficiency; Creativity and love for a sustainable lifestyle.

References will be required. Compensation commensurate with experience.

To Apply: Contact Executive Director Ann Taylor at 203-938-2117 or at

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