Job: Food System Development Manager at Roots of Change in California

Development Manager

Roots of Change (ROC) is a non-profit with the goal of creating a sustainable food system in California by the year 2030. We develop and provide grants, contracts, fellowships and other support services to a network of leaders and institutions in California who agree to collaborate towards that goal. The network includes producers, workers, businesses, nonprofits, communities, government agencies, and foundations. Network members share strategies and objectives, and collaborate on projects that enhance production practices, markets, and policies that shape the food system.

The Development Manager will play a key role in the transformation to a food system that is socially just and environmentally healthy, and offers access to healthy food to all Californians. Diversity is a key organizing principle at ROC and the Development Manager will work with a wide variety of Californians from urban and rural areas including consumers, NGO representatives, and those from many sectors of food production and distribution.

The funding for ROC has come primarily from a core group of foundations – . Recently our funding sources have broadened to include government and business. As we move forward we anticipate growing the amount of support from individuals and businesses while maintaining foundation and government funding. The Development Manager will play a key role in working with each of these sources. ROC staff will offer strong support to the Development Manager in order to maximize the possibility for expanded responsibilities. The Development Manager will report to the Director of Operations and work closely with the President.

Key responsibilities include:
o Develop a calendar and manage grant submissions and reporting
o Work with authors to assemble proposals and submit via on-line systems and overnight mail
o Facilitate collaborative grant-writing by ROC network members and coordinate letters of support, including proofreading and copyediting
o Administer grants, fellowships, and contracts that ROC provides
o Work with ROC’s fiscal sponsor to prepare grant agreements and contracts, disburse payments, and maintain communications with grantees and contractors related to reporting
o Support the Director of Operations with budget and schedule updating
o Manage the logistics of quarterly meetings of Roots of Change’s advisory board, the Stewardship Council
o Manage the creation of dockets and other staff reports for the Stewardship Council and funders
o Coordinate the email database, including core supporters and contributors, and coordinate a contractor for data entry
o Work with the Director of Operations to manage on-line fundraising campaigns
o Work with the President to develop a major individual donor campaign

Minimum qualifications:
• Bachelor’s degree
• Grant writing or grants administration experience
• High level of grammar and punctuation skill
• Adept with Word, Excel and other basic office software
• Strong organizational and time management skills
• Experience creating a project schedule and tracking deadlines
• Demonstrated ability to collaborate with professional staff
• Administrative skills that motivate and build professional support staff competencies
• Strong communication skills, including ability to write and speak clearly
• Willingness to work fast, including some evenings and weekends, and to travel
• Experience working with people with diverse experiences and backgrounds
• Valid driver’s license

Preferred qualifications:
• Knowledge of food and agriculture sustainability issues and/or experience working in a food-related organization
• Database management experience
• Experience coordinating projects with multiple organizations
• Expertise with spreadsheet and project management software
• A strong working knowledge of on-line research
• Demonstrated ability to plan and execute complex projects
• Experience planning meetings in remote locations
• Experience managing online donation campaigns via email and social networks
• Experience managing individual donor campaigns
• Experience working in a non-profit organization
• Experience working with people from isolated communities
• Spanish speaking

Position location: Downtown San Francisco, 221 Kearny Street

Compensation: Salary and benefits are competitive.

Expected Start Date: November 1, 2009

Please send cover letter and resume to Haney Armstrong at and use Development Manager as the subject.

Submission Deadline: Applications will be reviewed beginning October 1, 2009.

Roots of Change is a project of The Trust for Conservation Innovation (TCI). Roots of Change/TCI is an equal opportunity employer.

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