Job: Farm Manager, Fondy Farm Project, Milwaukee

Agency Mission Statement: Fondy Food Center connects Greater Milwaukee to local, fresh food – from farm to table. We do this through 1) Support of small-scale Wisconsin farmers to secure the supply of fresh food to Milwaukee; 2) Cooking-based nutrition education for youth and adults; and 3) Filling the need for fresh, locally grown food in Milwaukee’s North Side neighborhoods through a historic farmers market tradition. Project Purpose: The purpose of the Fondy Farm Project is to build a secure, economically viable farm cooperative for small-scale local disadvantaged farmers that will provide fresh food for the people residing on Milwaukee’s North Side. The project will have four goals: economic viability, social justice, environmental quality, cultural continuity. Ultimately, the project will become a model for other similar efforts across the Upper Midwest. Application Deadline: 5:00 pm, October 25, 2010 Position Starts: On or around December 1, 2010

Term and funding: The position has secure grant funding for two years and 9 months. The position may continue beyond that time, depending on project outcomes and/or further grant funding.

Compensation: $40,000 per year with benefits. This is a full time and salaried position with benefits in accordance with the agency’s Human Resources policy. Cell phone, internet, and laptop PC will be provided. Free on-site housing may be available. A small farmland plot for personal use may also be available.

Reports to: Young Kim, Executive Director

The successful applicant will have: A minimum of three years of farming experience; Four year bachelor’s degree in a related field; A minimum of two years farm management experience; Familiarity with all aspects of running a small scale farm – irrigation, hoop house maintenance, seeding, transplanting, bed preparation, composting, weed control, insect control, and post harvest handling; Basic tractor experience including tractor and implement maintenance, cultivating, disking and plowing; Basic carpentry skills; Teaching experience, ideally around agricultural subjects; Demonstrated experience in working collaboratively with Southeast Asian, African American, South Asian, African, Hispanic, or Native American cultures; A thorough understanding of the impacts of race, culture, and racism on the American food system; Demonstrated prior experience in building and coaching a diverse team; Proficiency in Word and Excel for recordkeeping and reporting purposes; Reliable transportation; Experience managing interns; Excellent communication, conflict resolution, problem solving, and organizational skills; Ability to produce precise farm records; Ability to work with wide range of personalities; A sense of humor.

Desired Skills: Two or more years of educational/outreach experience; Experience in successful application for grant funding and/or other fundraising techniques; Skills in operating and maintaining a wide range of specialized vegetable equipment and implements; Experience working with non-profits and government agencies; Experience in creation of a farm plan and whole farm budget; Knowledge about and prior experience in implementing organic principles and certification; Licensed pesticide applicator or willing to apply; Equipment procurement.

We are seeking candidates that have demonstrated the following personal qualities in their past work experiences: Has a positive outlook; Is a self starter, motivated, reliable, and thorough; Holds high standards for him/herself as well as for program participants; Has enforced rules and held others accountable for their actions; Has good cross-cultural communication skills; Is an effective supervisor; Is always conscious of safety.

Areas of Responsibility: The Farm Manager will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fondy Farm Project – an 80-acre fruit and vegetable farm in Port Washington, WI. The Farm Manager will train approximately ten small limited resource/disadvantaged farmers of varied agricultural backgrounds in the areas of agricultural and business skills, record keeping, profit/loss analysis, planning, and risk management practices.

The basic activities of the Farm Manager over the course of the project will be as follows:

Year 1:

· Participate in the recruitment, selection, and contracting with up to ten small farmers.

· Assess farmers and begin education efforts around business skills and environmentally-friendly growing practices.

· Assist in the management of farm infrastructure construction.

· Begin collecting data for season-end evaluations.

· Begin drafting a farm operations and policy manual.

· Oversee the preparation of land and planting in the spring of 2011.

· Assist in the establishment of a Customer/Farmer Advisory Group.

· Manage daily operations while mindful of the goal of creating a farmer co-operative by the end of Year 3.

Year 2:

· Evaluate production results from Year 1.

· Continue farmer training and refine the farm manual.

· Co-manage the installation of season extension and labor saving infrastructure: hoop houses, irrigation, produce washing and packing equipment.

· Continue to assist with quarterly Customer/Farmer Advisory Group meetings and farm visits.

· Begin laying the mental and legal groundwork for the farmer co-operative in Year 3.

Year 3:

· Continue work of Years 1 and 2.

· Co-manage the installation of last of the planned farm infrastructures.

· Establish and incorporate a Fondy Farmers Co-operative.

To Apply: Send a cover letter, resume, and three referencesvia US Mail:

Fondy Food Center

Attn: Young Kim

2242 N 17th St

Milwaukee, WI 53205

via email:

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