Job: Farm and Gardens Operations Manager Position, UC Santa Cruz

University of California at Santa Cruz is looking for a Farm and Gardens Operations Manager Position.

Applicants would need to apply by October 26th to ensure they get considered in the first pool of applications (only if there are not suitable candidates in the first pool will later applications be considered). We hope to have someone hired by January.

The basic information is as follows:

Job #: 1002772

Job Title: Farm and Gardens Operations Manager: Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems

Initial Review Date: 10-27-2010 (On this date the applications will start being considered. If a good batch of candidates come in by this date, then likely no more applications will be reviewed).

If you have questions after reviewing the job description online, please contact Jonathon Landeck at, 831.459-4540.

For more information about CASFS programs, the 25-acre Farm, 3-acre Chadwick Garden, the Apprenticeship and other CASFS activities, please see the CASFS website,

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