Job: Distribution Crew at The Good Food Collective, New York

Job: Distribution Crew at The Good Food Collective, New York, 2013 Note: This job is not provided by  Please apply directly through the organization offering the job.  Please click “read more” at the bottom of this post to link to application instructions. The Good Food Collective is seeking a member for its distribution crew, starting June 3, application due May 1. The Good Food Collective is a multi-farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project offering membership programs that connect people to local, sustainable foods and some of the best farmers in the Rochester, New York area. They are a project of Headwater Foods, a Community Food Enterprise creating a value-filled, year-round supply chain of local, sustainable foods. For more details and how to apply, click “read more”

Position: Distribution Crew – The Good Food Collective

Start Date:  June 3rd, 2013

Hours: Morning Shift (30 hrs/wk): M- 12 to 4; TU, W, TH- 9 to 4; F- 9 to 2

Afternoon Shift (30 hrs/wk): M- 12 to 4; TU, W, TH- 12 to 7; F- 9 to 2

Pay: $8 to $10 per hour, plus a lot of fresh food

Job Description:

An active part of the GFC Distribution Crew

  • Assisting in the receiving, sorting, and storage of daily deliveries from our partner farms.
  • Organizing, and loading our mobile distribution machines.
  • Assisting in the staffing of our workplace and community based distribution locations: greeting and helping members, being an ambassador of the foods and farms, maintaining a beautiful and user friendly display and stock of food, etc.
  • Assisting with special events and other GOOD FOOD activities.
  • Helping in the ongoing maintenance, organization, and cleaning of the Headwater Food Hub and our green truck fleet.
  • Participating in staff meetings and the collective intelligence behind an ever improving and impressive operation.

To Apply (deadline is May 1st to apply):

Please send or email a cover letter and resume to:

Headwater Foods

c/o Chris Hartman

PO Box 10148

Rochester, NY 14610


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