Job Announcement: Food and Farming Resource Coordinator at Food Security and Community Health Program in San Diego

Job Title: Food and Farming Resource Coordinator
Country Program: US Programs
Location: San Diego
Duration: Open
Salary Range and Band: Professional B2
Start date: October 1, 2009

The Food and Farming Resource Coordinator will work with refugees and new immigrants to launch agricultural enterprises and food businesses in City Heights, San Diego.


  • Design and conduct culturally-appropriate outreach to refugees and new immigrants that promote opportunities in the food and agriculture sectors and recruit food and farming entrepreneurs.
  • Create action plans and support food and farming entrepreneurs in achieving their individual and collective goals.
  • Work with partner organizations to maximize direct marketing opportunities for food and farming entrepreneurs (such as farmers’ markets, CSAs, farm to institution, etc.).
  • Design and implement a refugee/new immigrant-grown brand and marketing campaign to support IRC clients.
  • Facilitate communication between IRC programs and departments to best serve refugee and new immigrant clients.
  • Highlight the role of refugee and new immigrant food and farming entrepreneurs in improving food security in San Diego.


  • At least 2 years working in local, sustainable food and/or agriculture industry.
  • Experience working with a pre-literate audience in a non-traditional setting.
  • Demonstrated leadership and organizational skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Masters or bachelors degree in related field, a plus.
  • Second language (Swahili/Kizigua/MaiMai, Khmer, Spanish, or Karen) and interpretation skills, a plus.
  • Graphic or web design skills, a plus.

Specific Security Situation/Housing (unaccompanied; limited accompanied (i.e. spouse/partner only); full accompanied (family eligible)): n/a                                                                                                                                   
For more information on our Food Security and Community Health Program please click HERE

Please apply at

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