Opinion Article: Jim Hightower – Giving Thanks for America’s ‘Good Food Movement’

Jim Hightower | Giving Thanks for America’s Good Food Movement
Thursday 26 November 2009
by: Jim Hightower, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
What better day than Thanksgiving to celebrate our country’s food rebels!I’m talking about the growing movement of small farmers, food artisans, local retailers, co-ops, community organizers, restaurateurs, environmentalists, consumers and others — perhaps including you. This movement has spread the rich ideas of sustainability, organic, local control and the Common Good from the fringes of our food economy into the mainstream.

It began in earnest in the 1980s and 1990s as an “upchuck rebellion” — ordinary folks rejecting the industrialized, chemicalized, corporatized and globalized food system. Farmers wanted a more natural connection to the good earth that they were working, just as consumers began demanding edibles that were not saturated with pesticides, injected with antibiotics, ripened with chemicals, dosed with artificial flavorings and otherwise tortured…Found at:

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