Integrated Pest Management for Organic and Sustainable farmers – Webinar

FREE WEBINAR: Integrated Pest Management for Organic and Sustainable farmers-web tools, scouting and understanding degree days

June 21, Thursday from 2:00-3:30 (EST), 2012 Are you a bit nervous about the pests that may attack your crops this year? Do you have your scouting plan ready? Do you know how to calculate degree days for the key pests in your field? If these questions have you thinking then perhaps you should join us for a webinar on understanding and setting up an IPM program for your farm!!  All smart farmers  scout their fields to be ready for pest occurrences, but especially organic farmers who use multiple tools to manage pests. Having a good idea if and when insects will attack is the first step to smart pest management. Learn how to access the archive of this webinar, and get other info. by clicking "read more" ->

If you cannot attend the live presentation the webinar will be available for later viewing on website. To join the meeting on June 21 at 2 pm EST Click on this link:

The North Central SARE program is sponsoring this webinar that will be presented by Beth Bishop, Michigan State University’s Enviro Weather Coordinator how to set up a sound Integrated Pest Management program for your farm.

You will also have the opportunity to learn how to use online tools to assist you predict pest outbreaks as well as give you a heads up of possible pest outbreaks.

This year will likely be challenging to all farmers in the Midwest, given the mild winter and early heat spell, triggering perennials to bloom too early and allowing overwintering insects and disease to survive in the soil. Beth Bishop, Enviro-Weather coordinator will share how to use this great online tool to predict insect flights as well as steps toward a sound Integrated Pest Management program for your farm.

IPM model plans will be shared for three model crops; corn, apples and tomatoes. If you have any questions please contact Vicki at

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