Incoming House Ag Chair Announces New Republican Members

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 16, 2010; MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184;

Lucas Welcomes New Republicans on Agriculture Committee: 16 new members added to Republican roster for 112th

WASHINGTON – Today, House Agriculture Committee Chairman-elect Frank Lucas of Oklahoma issued the following statement congratulating the new Republican members of the House Agriculture Committee for the 112th Congress:

“I am pleased to welcome our new members to the Agriculture Committee. They represent a broad slice of the country and will bring that perspective as we address the issues facing production agriculture and rural economies. The work of our Committee affects the lives of every American. We must work to ensure that there is proper oversight of the administration, that rural America has opportunities for job growth, and that our farmers and ranchers have the necessary tools and certainty they need to provide us with a safe, affordable, and abundant food, fiber, feed, and fuel supply,” said Chairman-elect Frank Lucas.

The new Republican members on the Agriculture Committee are:

Rick Crawford (AR)
Scott DesJarlais (TN)
Renee Elmers (NC)
Stephen Fincher (TN)
Bob Gibbs (OH)
Chris Gibson (NY)
Vicky Hartzler (MO)
Tim Huelskamp (KS)
Randy Hultgren (IL)
Reid Ribble (WI)
Martha Roby (AL)
Bobby Schilling (IL)
Austin Scott (GA)
Steve Southerland (FL)
Marlin Stutzman (IN)
Scott Tipton (CO)

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