Hog Slaughter, Butcher, and Dry Curing Workshop

Hog  Slaughter, Butcher, & Dry Curing Workshop: December 12-14th (Fri, Sat, Sun) in Falmouth, Maine $375/per person

Join us for another one of our popular workshops!  Andy Lindberg of MeatME and Nate "Iggy" Brimmer of Giant's Belly Education provide three days of informative, hands-on instruction in traditional slaughter, butchering and curing processes, while Sean Emmons and Jake Anderson regale your senses with all manner of porky preparations from the kitchen. For more info, and to register, please visit:

Friday December 12-Sunday December 14th
A Secret Undisclosed Farmstead, in Falmouth, Maine

Please register online at:
Or, with Nate “Iggy” Brimmer at: or (207)415-4458

$375 per person for all three days.  A steady stream of house made charcuterie, odd bits, and special treats to sample, as well as lunch and hot beverages, will be served each day.

*For more information* please call Iggy at 207.415.4458, or send email to

*Day One:*
The first day of this workshop will showcase the humane harvest of pigs in the farmstead environment, and will provide hands-on training in traditional methods of outdoor scalding, scraping, dressing and chilling of the carcass.

*Day Two:*
The next day we will move inside and break down the entire pig using a hybrid of traditional seam-butchery and modern american-style butchering techniques.  The focus of this day is on thinking creatively about how we part out the animal, so that we maximize the specific cuts that we
are most excited about, while finding creative uses for the less popular parts of the animal.

*Day Three:*
On Sunday we will begin the process of turning our fresh pork into delicious, shelf-stable, dry-cured products through the application of salt, spices, sugar and/or smoke.  In addition to demonstrating a
variety of recipes and techniques, we will discuss the science of curing meat, and address basic food-safety concerns.

Additionally, throughout the weekend we will work with the farm family to identify the curing and drying environments available on the farm. The products we choose to make will be influenced by the curing environments available on the farm.

Our hope is that we not only teach you techniques, but how to think and problem solve so that you can apply what you learn at the workshop in your home, farm, or restaurant.

The Flying Flapjack Brothers will be working throughout the workshop to turn out an ongoing array of tasty treats for your gustatory pleasure! Their preparations draw from traditional recipes as well as creative innovations they have developed for these events to showcase the glory of all things pork. No part of the pig will be left unused!

This approach, wherein the choice of products produced is dependent on the micro-climates of each producer, for centuries yielded unique products in every village and farmstead, even when the same master recipe was followed. This is in direct opposition to the modern idea that every product can be made in every place. We believe strongly that the ubiquity of modern technology has made paupers of our palates. By spreading these skills throughout the grassroots we hope to rebuild a food system that is healthful, resilient, strongly place-defined, wildly diverse, and awesomely delicious.

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