Herb and Flower Farming Workshop in New York

Cultivating and Marketing Herbs and Edible Flowers
Summer workshop for farmers

Saturday 7/31 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM $15
A workshop especially for new and transitioning farmers who want to grow herbs and edible flowers for culinary, medicinal, and tisane uses. Join Stone Barns growers Shannon Algiere and Laura Perkins, farm apprentices Olivia Kirby and Samantha Ross, and herbalist Clare Pierson, for an informative morning covering propagation, companion plantings, soils, plant sales, harvesting, processing, record keeping, marketing, foraging and weed identification. Instructors will also cover restaurant and market sales, and the educational components of herbs on the farm.

This workshop will combine classroom time and a farm tour, so please bring your farmy footwear.

To register, call or email Nena Johnson (914 366 6200 x112/

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