Harvest and Sales Farm Manager Job in MD

Harvest and Sales Farm Manager Job

Flying Plow Farm Harvest and Sales Farm Manager Job in Maryland – 2019-2020

The Farm

Flying Plow is a diverse, 56 acre, certified organic farm in Cecil County, MD just a mile outside of “downtown” Rising Sun. Our primary focus is vegetable production for our 200 member CSA and 4 farmers markets. We also do a small amount of wholesaling to a few local restaurants. Most of our working hours are spent around the vegetables, planting, weeding, harvesting, washing, packing, selling, etc.

We currently grow using a bio-extensive vegetable farming method. We have 13 acres in vegetable production with 6.5 acres in cash crops during the season and the remainder in cover crops and bare fallows. Cover crops play a large role on the farm as does our season extension into the late fall and winter with hardy vegetables, caterpillar tunnels, and high tunnels.

Although vegetables make up the bulk of our farming time and our income, we do have quite a large livestock presence. We keep 3 draft horses to help with vegetable tillage, cultivation, and farm chores. During the year we have 150 to 300 layers on the farm, and during the spring and fall we raise several batches of pastured broiler chickens. Finally, we have a small grass-based beef herd and a few pigs here and there throughout the season.

We are currently hiring for several positions including our Harvest and Sales Farm Manager Job.

The Community

Our farm sits in the middle of a rural farming community. We rub elbows with grain and beef farmers, grass-based sheep and hay farmers, dairy and cheese producers, and Amish vegetable farmers. During the growing season the farmers in our community often times help each other to get work done, be it by lending equipment or a hand.

We donate produce to several community groups and members who then cook and distribute meals to those in need. Members of the local Catholic parish take produce and cook for homeless veterans weekly during the summer. A friend of the farm takes lots of left over greens and makes traditional Korean meals for elderly friends in her church. We donate food to the local Presbyterian church for their twice month free lunches.

The town of Rising Sun is less than a mile away. There is a locally-owned, independent coffee shop in town, a small diner, a grocery store, music shop, and small theatre. We are 25 minutes from Newark, Delaware, a college town that boasts several restaurants and a great food co-op.

Nearby is Fair Hill State Park, Elk Neck State Park, and Susquehanna State Park, all with great biking, hiking, horse riding, and paddling opportunities.

Harvest and Sales Farm Manager Job Description:

Strategic Leadership

  • Meets financial metrics and goals
  • Sets and maintains quality control and food safety standards
  • Keeps a big picture mentality; has the end in mind when doing the task at hand
  • Continually looks for business opportunities
  • Ensures all work meets farm’s quality standards, certified organic standards, and food safety standards
  • Maintains an understanding of the ideals, vision, and tone of the farm
  • Seeks to grow the business through CSA members, market customers, wholesale accounts

Harvest & Pack Management

  • Creates and manages a neatly organized and cleanly harvest, packing, and storage environment
  • Collaborates with the farmer to create weekly harvest lists for wholesale, market and CSA
  • Leads and manages the daily harvest and packing tasks to the farm crew
  • Maintains accurate harvest records
  • Hires and staffs part-time wash shed positions as needed

Distribution, Sales, & Marketing Management

  • Manages accurate sales records for CSA, markets, and wholesale accounts
  • Leads and manages the weekly distribution and sales of products through the CSA, wholesale accounts, and markets to the farm crew
  • Manages organized storage of vegetables, meats, and eggs
  • Hires and staffs part-time market positions and delivery driver positions
  • Collaborates with farmer to become effective at: Managing wholesale accounts; Managing websales through Harvie and Grazecart software; Managing CSA members and distro lists with Harvie software; Writing CSA and Market newsletters; Making weekly harvest lists; Providing customer service.

Crew Management

  • Leads, manages, and delegates tasks to the farm crew
  • Coordinates with farmer when scheduling harvesting, packing, and distribution tasks for crew members
  • Motivates crew members to work at an effective pace
  • Minimizes transition times between tasks and maintains work flow
  • Assesses staffing needs; identifies gaps and makes recommendations

Farm Crew Member

  • Assist with production tasks
  • Assist with livestock tasks
  • Assist with farm tasks


  • 2+ seasons of experience on for-profit vegetable farms
  • Strong leadership and communication skills
  • Ability to make informed and accurate decisions and work productively under pressure
  • Strong understanding of the ideals, vision, and tone of the farm
  • Strong financial acumen
  • Proven ability to lead and motivate farm crews


This is a full-time position with at least a 2 year commitment. Weekly hours run from 10 to 30 in the winter and 40 to 60 in the summer for an average of 40 per week over the year.

Harvest and Sales Farm Manager Job Compensation

Provide hourly wage requirements when applying.

We allow five personal days during the main growing season.

How to Apply for the Harvest and Sales Farm Manager Job

Serious applicants should have a demonstrated interest and passion for small scale, diversified farming. When applying email a cover letter telling us how you became interested in farming and what steps you have taken to advance your interests. Ideal candidates should also supply a resume that shows their experience in farming. Send emails to with the job title in the subject. Please provide your hourly wage requirements.

Flying Plow Farm

Sarah Rider & Tom Paduano

96 Charles Johnson Farm Lane, Rising Sun, MD 21911

443-686-9786 ||


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