Grower/Farm Manager Job on Biodynamic Farm in Illinois

World Wide Farms/Meyer Farms in Illinois has a grower/farm manager job available for the 2014 season. World Wide/Meyer has a beautiful 30 acre farm with 9 greenhouses. They are located 30 miles NW of Chicago’s O’Hare airport in Illinois. They have been certified organic since 1992 but their philosophy is more about biodynamic growing. Our primary business is growing fresh culinary herbs. We are looking to diversify what we do and move more to an agri-tourisum CSA model. The farm is fully equipped and there is a strong management team to back up our farm. Description of Job Opportunity – Grower/Farm Manager They are looking for someone to manage the day to day growing and management of the farm. You must love growing, enjoy what Mother Nature throws at us and be willing to work the spring and summer hours it takes to make any farm successful. This is a fantastic opportunity and we will be happy to nurture the right candidate. For more information and to learn how to apply, click "read more".

The Grower/Farm Manager’s primary responsibility is to organize the needs of the farm based on the farm plan and budget. This will included buying fertilizers, seeds, and farm chemicals, and making sure the daily paper work is done property to assure our accreditation stays current. It will be necessary to put a farm labor plan together for the employees to seed, weed, spray and harvest.  Bilingual (English/Spanish) reading and writing skills would be very helpful.  You will have a place at the decision making table so you must be able to clearly express yourself regarding your thoughts on how we manage day to day and how to best move forward.  You should have previous growing experience of at least a year (preferably with vegetables, fruits and/or herbs), ideally in a role where you had responsibility for managing field staff and a budget.  You will need strong organizational and time management skills, and it would be great if you are comfortable using a computer, including internet, email, Microsoft word and excel.

We are looking for a long term candidate. We are willing to share all of our current knowledge to make the farm successful. Compensation will be in accordance with your experience and track record. Profit sharing or ownership is possible for the right individual.

For more information or to submit a resume, please contact Alicia Bianchi via email at

Find out more about the farm at

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