Groundswell Incubator Farm Accepting Applications

The Groundswell Center in Ithaca, New York states it’s mission as follows: “Our core work is nurturing the next generation of farmers and cultivating knowledgeable ‘food citizens’ through experience based educational programs.”

The Groundswell Incubator Farm is accepting applications for the 2014 growing season.

The Groundswell Incubator Farm is a ten-acre parcel of agricultural land which is available to qualified beginning farmers who need affordable access to land. In addition to growing space, the Incubator offers access to tools, water and irrigation lines, tractor services, production and marketing infrastructure, and mentoring from experienced farmers.

There are currently two beginning farmers growing crops on the land, and we are looking for another two to three farmers to join next year. Space is available for livestock micro-enterprises as well as crops.

For details about the program and an online application form, click HERE.  If you think the Incubator might be for you, we encourage you to give Devon Van Noble a call at 727-410-4073. He can answer your questions and help you decide whether to apply.

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