Seeking enthusiastic interns and volunteers with a demonstrated interest in nutrition education/food studies/culinary arts for a hands-on, creative internship helping to teach schoolchildren about local food and farmers markets. 10 to 20 hours a week late April through mid-June. Interested parties please contact Sarah Poten at or 212-341-2259 Who we are: Greenmarket, a program of Grow NYC, is dedicated to promoting regional agriculture, preserving farmland, and ensuring a continuing supply of fresh, local produce for all New Yorkers. We operate 50 open air farmers markets throughout the five boroughs. The Greenmarket Youth Education Project connects thousands of New York City schoolchildren in grades K-12 with Greenmarkets and regional farmers each year.  Through fun, interactive learning experiences like School Tours at market, Meet Your Farmer classroom visits, Seed-to-Plate cooking classes and On The Farm field trips we help children gain an understanding of local agriculture and the importance of eating fresh, seasonal foods--for their bodies, their environment and their communities.

Greenmarket School Tours introduce the concepts of seasonality, local food, and sustainable agriculture to over 3500 schoolchildren each year.  We have an Education Station tent at our Union Square Greenmarket and are seeking interns to assist with on-site programming, materials and school tours. Additionally we are seeking assistance with our middle school curriculum pilot that incorporates seasonal cooking classes, farm visits, and in-class visits with farmers.

Job Description:

This unpaid internship offers flexible hours both at market, in the classroom and in the office. For college students, incorporating credit requirements into the project is a welcome possibility.

Responsibilities may include:

  • Staffing the Union Square Education Station

Field questions and organize displays and materials

Perform cooking demonstrations

Coordinate tabling events with volunteers and outside partners

Assist with and lead school tours

  • Help to coordinate pilot project for ages 10-14 exploring local food and sustainable farming, the links between diet and health and basic nutrition, and food-related careers.
  • Develop child-friendly nutritionally balanced recipes and educational hand-outs
    • Coordinate school tour schedule and prepare take-home materials.
    • Assist with writing and production of the Youth Quarterly Newsletter.

The position offers an exciting opportunity to make a creative contribution towards helping New York City’s children understand where their food comes from, and why their food choices are so important.

Sarah Poten

Education and Special Projects Coordinator, Greenmarket
GrowNYC (formerly Council on the Environment of NYC)
51 Chambers Street, Suite 1231, New York NY 10007
212.341.2259 (w)
917.575.9281 (m)
212.571.0778 (f)

Growing awareness. minds. food. gardens…growing a better NYC

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