Great Article and Links from Civil Eats on Urban Homesteading and DIY

A great article reviewing a recent presentation on ‘Urban Homesteading’ was recently published on the Civil Eats Blog. The article, entitled DIY Life: Urban Homesteaders at Kitchen Table Talks was written by Naomi Starkman, and is available in its entirety HERE. Below is an excerpt from the article, along with it’s list of resources related to Urban Homesteading and information on upcoming workshops in San Francisco.

If you are interested in this topic, you should also check out our Urban Farming and Gardening Page at:

“At the most recent Kitchen Table Talks in San Francisco close to 100 City dwellers came out in the pouring rain to hear stories from local urban homesteaders, who shared their experiences and insights on ways to become more self-sufficient. Kevin Bayuk, Heidi Kooy, and Davin Wentworth-Thrasher discussed growing and preserving your own food; keeping worms; composting (including the art of the compost toilet); greywater and rainwater catchment systems; and raising goats and chickens (Heidi’s chicken, Sweet Pea, graced us with her beautiful feathers).

In case you were wondering, “urban homesteading” has been defined as:

1. Growing your own FOOD on your city lot.
2. Using alternative ENERGY sources.
3. Using alternative FUELS & TRANSPORTATION.
4. Keeping farm ANIMALS for manure and food.
5. Practicing WASTE REDUCTION.
6. Reclaiming GREYWATER and collecting RAINWATER.
7. Living SIMPLY. Developing back-to-basics homemaking skills, including food preservation and preparation.
8. Doing the work YOURSELF. Learning to do home and vehicle maintenance, repairs and basic construction.
9. Working at HOME. Earning a living from the land or hand work done at home. Developing a home-based economy.
10. Being a good NEIGHBOR. Offering a helping hand for free. Urban homesteading is a community-based way of life, not a business opportunity. Being a neighbor, not a business person.

Our three homesteaders employ almost all of these ideals and inspired us with their stories and ideas…”

Read the entire article at:

For more information on urban homesteading, check out these other great resources:

Organizations/Web Sites

Berkeley Ecology Center

San Francisco Bee Keeping Association

Urban Homesteading Institute

How to Homesteading Videos

Path to Freedom: The Original Modern Urban Homestead


The Self Sufficiency Handbook

Wild Fermentation

The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It

Back to Basics

Homesteading: A Back to Basics Guide to Growing Your Own Food, Canning, Keeping Chickens, Generating Your Own Energy, Crafting

The Encyclopedia of Country Living

Other Resources Mentioned at the Talk

CA new greywater code and other related information from a great resource for DIY greywater design and installation

Underground Farmers Market (there’s one taking place today, Thursday, January 28 in San Francisco from 5-11pm)

Urban Chickens

Journey to Forever

An amazing list of resources from around the world on every sustainability topic imaginable.

How to test your soil for lead and other chemicals (University of Mass. Soil Lab)

Upcoming Workshops

Garden for the Environment
Urban Composting – Feb 6
Spring Vegetable Gardening – Feb 20

Raising Chickens in the City – Feb 21
Bakers Alley – Build an Earth Oven – Feb 27

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