Grazing, Pollinator Conservation, and Beekeeping Workshops in New York

Prepare for the season ahead with Stone Barns Center in Pocantico Hills, NY with Spring Workshops:

Grazing Management Intensive – April 11, 2014, 1PM-5PM

Troy Bishopp, the Grass Whisperer, takes farmers through a practical, holistic management grazing planning process. Learn how to use simple tools to make farm maps, determine animal needs and paddock sizes, increase pasture potential and diversity, and accomplish farm goals using grazing livestock. Bishopp shares his own 2013 grazing monitoring chart to demonstrate how this approach reduces stress, increases profit, improves soil health, reduces labor time and produces quality animals. To register, visit the Virtual Grange:

Pollinator Conservation Short Course – April 16, 2014, 9AM-4:30PM

Join Stone Barns Center and The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation to learn how to attract native pollinators to your orchard, farm, or garden! For more information about the Pollinator Conservation Short Course, visit the Virtual Grange:

Beekeeping School 2014 – April-November

Stone Barns Center is partnering with Bedford Bee to present the fourth year of their Beekeeping School. From April to November, students will participate in 14 workshops that follow the establishment of colonies of honeybees over the course of the growing season. Each workshop consists of a classroom presentation followed by hands-on experience in an eight- to 10-colony apiary. Workshops are held every two to three weeks throughout the summer and will be co-taught by Dan Carr from Stone Barns Center and D. J. Haverkamp from Bedford Bee Honeybee Service. For more information about Beekeeping School, visit the Virtual Grange:

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