Goat Farming Skill Swap in Michigan Saturday June 23rd, 2012

Goat Farming Skill Swap in Michigan Saturday June 23rd, 2012 The Institute for Sustainable Living, Art and Natural Design and Martha Wagbo Farm and Education Center will hold a comprehensive symposium on goat care later this month. The Goat Skill Swap takes place on June 23 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. at Martha Wagbo Farm and Education Center, located at 5745 M 66 in East Jordan. Register online at “Goats are incredibly versatile, hilarious, and productive,” Jen Lewis of Wagbo Farm said. “Caring for them is an education unto itself, and self-sufficient goat owners need to be familiar with a wide range of topics.” Goat Skill Swap participants will gain real experience with many if not most aspects of small-scale goat husbandry. Topics will include the management of goats for milk, meat, and pasture improvement, and participants will have opportunities for hands-on practice developing value-added products like soap and yarn, determining what to do in critical first aid situations, and how to manage breeding and kidding programs.

“Participants at the Goat Skill Swap get to choose between 2-3 workshops during any given session,” ISLAND representative Mary Brower said. “We have workshops for beginners as well as for people who are looking to deepen their understanding of more advanced topics. Goats are an outstanding addition to many small-scale farms, and ISLAND would like to help more people to become familiar with their care.”

Cost of the skill swap is $40 if pre-registered before June 20th, $45 for late registration. Conference size is limited and pre-registration is required.

This event is made possible by a partnership between ISLAND, Martha Wagbo Farm and Education Center, the Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference, and the USDA Natural Resources and Conservation Service, with support from Bay Area Recycling for Charities, Rising Star Wellness Center, Oryana Natural Foods Market, and Krios Consulting.

2 Comments on Goat Farming Skill Swap in Michigan Saturday June 23rd, 2012

  1. Kris, on my website I list a few sites where I get some info. The pelobrm with these sites is that they really take goat keeping to another level. Had I read these sites before getting goats, I probably would have stuck with chickens! Goats are very easy keepers and I find that if you feed them good food, you’ll rarely have pelobrms. Most people don’t give their goats grain I do just a little it keeps their coat shiny but most important for me is that it keeps them FRIENDLY! I use the simplest methods and what works for me. As for clearing brush, you’d do fine with inexpensive brush goats Make sure to worm them quarterly and protect them from rain and coyotes and stray dogs and they’ll be happy to work for you! If you don’t want babies, then don’t get a billy! And don’t give these guys hay if you don’t have to. You’ll spoil them and they won’t want to eat your brush!Check craigslist in your area you may find some good deals on goats!

  2. NAGENDRA RAO PAWAR // February 19, 2013 at 4:22 am // Reply

    Dear ALL

    We are planning to open a Goat/sheep farm in India, near pavgada, Hence we required some guidelines and advise about the same.

    So Kindly If you have Bangalore contact details, kindly let us know, so we will ctc them for the development of farm.

    We are awaiting for the same at the earliest.

    Thanks & Regards
    Nagendra Rao Pawar
    MBL: 94480 62914

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