Gardening and Cabin Counselor Wanted in PA

gardening and camp counselor

Gardening and Cabin Counselor Wanted in Pennsylvania – 2020

Camp Ballibay, a fine and performing arts summer camp located in Northeastern, Pennsylvania seeks a full-time gardening and cabin counselor for our 2020 summer session(s). Ballibay’s breathtaking campus and outstanding facilities are a perfect complement to the great kids and amazing, talented staff we attract each summer. 

Situated on 174 mountaintop acres, the camp actively uses about 100 acres, leaving a beautiful wooded buffer around them. They take great pride in keeping the grounds carefully manicured while still maintaining the atmosphere of a rustic, wooded traditional summer camp. Their gardening counselor will spend their days teaching campers how to maintain the garden, and grow vegetables that will be used in our dining hall! They will also be a cabin counselor, living with children, and ensuring their safety and wellbeing throughout the summer.

Each child has a unique schedule throughout the day choosing daily which activities they would like to be involved in. We have two theaters, a rock, and roll program, a classical music program, Film, and Radio studios, a Visual Arts Studio including painting and drawing, ceramics, photography and screenprinting, three dance studios, tennis courts, and a horseback riding area. Every day during meal times each child will have the ability to speak to counselors 1:1 to make their own schedules and set up their day. 

The garden will be open during all of our activity times: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm, for children to stop by during any of their free periods, or for personally scheduled blocks of time coordinated by a one on one conversation with you and the child.

We provide a week-long orientation for all returning and new staff members to go over in-depth what it means to be a successful cabin counselor and counselor in your designated activity area during your time at Ballibay.  Food, housing, and a weekly stipend included. Dates: June 20th-August 15th.


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