Garden Apprentice Job at NC Camp

Garden Apprentice Job Available at Camp Celo in Burnsville, North Carolina – 2020
Camp Celo is a family-run summer camp for kids ages seven to twelve, located on a fully-operating family farm in western North Carolina. The kids experience the mountains and farm as part of a camp community that shares the Quaker values of simplicity, equality, care for the Earth, integrity, peace, and community. All food from our 1.5 acre garden goes directly to the camp kitchen to be prepared fresh for the campers and staff. The garden is a central part of the camp community and typically provides to the kitchen about 5,000 pounds of vegetables each summer. Visit us at for more information about our program.
Job Summary:
The Garden Apprentice is an integral part of the seasonal staff at Camp Celo. The Garden Apprentice(s) will work alongside the Garden Managers in all aspects of garden care and garden-related camp programming. Garden work include seeding, transplanting, weeding, soil care, bed preparation, pest and disease management, harvesting, record-keeping, and more. There will also be opportunities to work with and care for the livestock (cows, pigs, chickens, goats, and rabbits). During camp sessions (June 1- August 15), the Garden Apprentice will also assist Garden Managers and Counselors in hosting groups of campers through activities in the garden; some will be focused on a work task, and others will be fun, creative activities that take place in the garden. The Garden Apprentice position is designed to be an educational position to learn about farm management, agroecology, and leadership. This position is available to a single person or a couple.
Key Responsibilities:
- Help to create a welcoming and inspirational vegetable garden that is ecologically diverse, kid friendly, safe, and well tended
- Contribute to all aspects of vegetable production, including but not limited to: seeding, planting, cultivating, harvesting, and end of season cleanup
- Provide support and leadership to camp staff as they interact with campers in the garden.
- Create and help lead garden-related activities for campers.
- Help lead work groups of high-school aged helpers during the summer
- Help lead groups of campers through garden chores each day
- Help maintain perennial plantings of raspberries, blueberries, herbs and flowers
- Assist with livestock chores
- Help to tend the livestock through rotational grazing
Necessary Skills and Experience:
- Ability to lift 40lbs
- Cheerful, flexible attitude
- Desire to learn about sustainable agriculture
- Effective communication skills
- Ability to learn on the job
- Ability to work independently
- Ability to lead others through tasks
- Desire to work with children and teenagers
- Commitment to living in an alcohol, smoke, and drug free community
- Clear Background Check
- Private housing provided
- Full meals covered during camp sessions (June 1- August 15)
- $200/month stipend
- Learn more about farming and food jobs, internships, and apprenticeships, and learn how to post a job, internship, or apprenticeship opportunity on by going to
- Find tons of other great farming resources at
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