Future Harvest CASA Field Days in MD/VA/DE

future harvest casa field days

Future Harvest CASA field days for May and June of 2019

Future Harvest CASA Field Days Highlight: 5/8 Cultivate Baltimore: Transplant Production at The Greener Garden

4:00 – 6:00 pm, Baltimore, MD. Learn the principles and practice of growing your own plants from seeds with farmers Warren and Lavette Blue. Bring home your own tray of future plants at the end of the workshop! $10/session, scholarships available: email HERE. 

Upcoming Future Harvest CASA Field Days & Workshops

5/8 Cultivate Baltimore: Transplant Production at The Greener Garden, 4:00 – 6:00 pm, Baltimore, MD. Learn the principles and practice of growing your own plants from seeds with farmers Warren and Lavette Blue. Bring home your own tray of future plants at the end of the workshop! $10/session, scholarships available: email Register HERE. 

5/10 Pasture-Based Production: Managing the Family Farm, 1:30 – 6:30 pm at Long Stone Farm and George’s Mill Artisan Cheese, Lovettsville, VA (Northern VA). Learn how farmers Casey Wisch and Molly Kroiz manage multi-species grazing (cattle, goats, pigs, and poultry), direct marketing, and value-added production on their neighboring farms. $20 FHCASA members / $40 non-members. Register HERE

5/19 Delmarva BFTP Hands-On Day: Weed Control, Drip Tape, & Row Cover, 1:00 – 4:30 pm at Hattie’s Garden, Lewis, DE. A hands-on workshop for new or prospective farmers. FREE for 2019 BFTP participants, $15 FHCASA members, $20 non-members. Register HERE. 

6/5 Delmarva BFTP Hands-On Day: Fencing, Poultry Houses & Site Analysis at Coops & Crops, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Kennedyville, MD (Eastern Shore, MD). A hands-on workshop for new or prospective farmers. FREE for 2019 BFTP participants, $15 FHCASA members, $20 non-members. Register HERE. 

Registration Live: 6/17 Water, Water Everywhere! 12:30-4:30 pm at Piedmont Environmental Council Community Farm, Aldie, VA (Northern Virginia). Agricultural Water Risk Assessment and Best Practices. Register HERE.

6/19 Delmarva BFTP Hands-On Day: Weed Control & Transplanting for Mid-Sized Farms at Priapi Gardens, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Cecilton, MD (Eastern Shore, MD). A hands-on workshop for new or prospective farmers, also covers equipment, including tractors and implements. FREE for 2019 BFTP participants, $15 FHCASA members, $20 non-members. Register HERE

6/29 – 6/30 Introduction to Permaculture, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm each day at Bryan Park Nature Center, Richmond, VA (Northern VA). Learn about the basic principles of permaculture, an ecological design system modeled after patterns found in nature. $75 for one day; $135 for both. Register here (scroll to the bottom of the page). 

6/30 Introduction to Permaculture: Site Analysis for Permaculture Design, 1:00 – 4:00 pm at Pearlstone Center, Reisterstown, MD (Central MD). Held in collaboration with Pearlstone Center, Patty Ceglia, a regional permaculture design matriarch, and Greg Strella, Pearlstone’s chief stewardship officer, will demonstrate and guide participants through practice site analysis, map sketching, zone planning, and other permaculture design exercises. $25, Register HERE.

 Stay tuned to for updates on Future Harvest CASA Field Days and Events


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