Funding Opportunities in Agriculture and Environment

USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Grant Available
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden has announced the availability of more than $18 million in funding to help educate, mentor and enhance the sustainability of the next generation of farmers.  This support is available through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP), administered by USDA’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA).  The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program awards grants to organizations implementing programs to train beginning farmers and ranchers, including workshops, educational teams, training, and technical assistance throughout the United States.  Fiscal Year 2015 applications for BFRDP are due March 13, 2015. For more info, click here.

REAP Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grant- Due Feb. 12th
USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service is accepting applications under the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) for Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants. The grants fund programs to assist agricultural producers and rural small businesses with evaluating energy efficiency and the potential to incorporate renewable energy technologies into their operations. Click here for more information.

Rhode Island Local Agriculture and Seafood Act Grants Program- Due Feb. 17th
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management is accepting applications for the Local Agriculture and Seafood Act grants program, aimed at increasing the economic competitiveness of Rhode Island-grown products. Any Rhode Island-based non-profit organization, farmer, fisherman/woman, or producer group is eligible to apply for up to $20,000. Find more information here.

Environmental Education Local Grants Program- Due March 6th
The EPA seeks grant proposals from eligible applicants to support environmental education projects that promote environmental awareness and stewardship and help provide people with the skills to take responsible actions to protect the environment. EPA expects to award three grants of up to $91,000 each from each of its 10 Regional Offices. Find out more at

USDA Announces Fellowships for Future Agricultural Scientists
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) today announced the availability of more than $15 million for fellowships to train and develop the next generation of scientists who will lead agriculture into the future by solving current and future challenges facing society. NIFA will support pre- and post-doctoral fellowships, and for the first time, undergraduate fellowships.Applications for the pre- and post-doctoral fellows are due on February 11, 2015. Letters of intent for the undergraduate fellowships are due on February 18, 2015, with full applications due May 6, 2015.

Credit Union Focusing on Small Farms Planned in Maine
Two finance professionals in Maine are planning to launch a credit union that will focus on helping small farms, reports The Maine Harvest Credit Union plans to serve members of Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association and Maine Farmland Trust by offering mortgages, equipment loans, and season loans. Click here for more information.

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