Funding and Grant Opportunities in Farming and Food

Check out these grant opportunities in farming and food systems:
Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI)
USDA is accepting applications for $17.6 million to support research and outreach activities that will help growers, producers, and processors find innovative ways to improve organic agriculture. OREI funds high-priority research, education, and extension projects that enhance the ability of organic producers and processors to grow and market high-quality organic products.
Applications are due March 10, 2016.
The FruitGuys Community Fund
The FruitGuys Community Fund provides grants up to $5,000 to small farms and agricultural nonprofits for sustainability projects that have large positive impacts on the environment, local food systems, and farm diversity. Preference will be given to applicants within 250 miles of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, or Phoenix. Projects should help farms and/or orchards operate more sustainably, both environmentally and economically, as well as strengthen community outreach.
Applications are due by February 15, 2016.
Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund
The Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund provides direct assistance to veterans in their beginning years of farming or ranching. Applicants must have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, currently be on active duty, or serving in the military reserve/National Guard. They must also be members of the Farmer Veteran Coalition.
Applications must be received by February 1, 2016.
Lakewinds Organic Field Fund Grant Program
The Lakewinds Organic Field Fund (LOFF) supports the development and sustainability of organics through research and development, organic certification, transitioning farms from conventional to organic, creating new farms, and land trusts for organic farms. LOFF is open to all farmers and farming associations, but preference will be given for those located in Minnesota, northern Iowa, and western Wisconsin.
The deadline for applications is February 5, 2016.
Southeast New England Program for Coastal Watershed Restoration
U.S. EPA is soliciting initial proposals to the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) for coastal watershed restoration that advances ecosystem resiliency, protects and restores water quality, habitat, and ecosystem function, and develops and applies innovative policy, science, and technology to environmental management. Projects must address priority areas: Innovative Restoration and Protection Approaches, Strategic Collaboration and Regional Impact, Integrating Habitat and Water Quality, and Focus on Connectivity and Ecosystem Services and Functions. Matching funding up to $1 million is available.
Applications are due by January 22, 2016.
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative–Joint Venture Habitat Restoration and Protection
The Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture and the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture will be working with the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration programs in the Midwest and Northeast Regions to fund projects for long-term habitat protection, restoration, or enhancement, for conservation of native Great Lakes fish and wildlife populations, particularly migratory birds. Grants from $25,000 to $300,000 are available.
Applications are due by February 26, 2016.
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