Funding and Grant Opportunities for Farmers

Food System Vision Prize
The Rockefeller Foundation has partnered with SecondMuse and OpenIDEO on the Food System Vision Prize. Organizations, universities, institutions, companies, governments, cooperatives, and partnerships from around the world are invited to develop a vision of the regenerative and nourishing food system that they aspire to create by the year 2050. A prize of $2 million will be distributed among 10 winners. Participants are encouraged to publish an initial post of their submission by the Early Submission Deadline, December 5, 2019. The last day to apply is January 31, 2019.
Maryland Animal Waste Technology Grants – Funding and Grant Opportunities for Farmers
The Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Animal Waste Technology Fund provides incentives to companies that demonstrate new technologies on farms and provide alternative strategies for managing animal manure. These technologies generate energy from animal manure, reduce on-farm waste streams, and repurpose manure by creating marketable fertilizer and other products and by-products. Individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and State and local government entities may apply for $3.5 million total. Applications are due by December 1, 2019.
Pennsylvania Ag and Youth Grant Program
The Pennsylvania Ag and Youth Grant Program helps fund projects, programs, and equipment purchases by organizations composed mainly of youth and organized to promote development in agriculture, community leadership, vocational training, and peer fellowship. Direct, non-matching reimbursement grants up to $7,500 can defray costs of an eligible project other than a capital project. Matching reimbursement grants up to $25,000 can defray the costs of an eligible capital project or equipment purchase. Applications are due by November 29, 2019.
- Learn more about other funding and grant opportunities for farmers at
- Find tons of other useful farming resources at
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