Fully Sponsored Farm Fellowship in VA

fully sponsored farm fellowship

Fully Sponsored Farm Fellowship at AMI in Virginia – Applications Due March 9, 2019

Now in its eighth year, Allegheny Mountain Institute’s fully sponsored 18-month Fellowship prepares and empowers individuals to become teachers and ambassadors for a more vibrant and accessible local food system. Learn More!

Participants in the fellowship spend six months in immersive training on our mountain farm campus in Virginia (Phase I) and one year in service work with AMI and food related non-profit partner organizations (Phase II). AMI’s Fellowship creates strong leaders who successfully work to build more cohesive community food systems. AMI alumni go on to work as local food coordinators, farmers, school garden facilitators, market farm managers, food systems educators, and advocates for sustainable food systems. Apply Now!

For more information, e-mail Jessa Fowler:

What Will You Study in the Farm and Food Education Fellowship at AMI?
  • Full Season Organic Gardening
  • Cooking, Preserving and Fermentation
  • Food Systems and Food Access
  • Nutrition and Wellness
  • Soil Science
  • Small Animal Husbandry
  • Beekeeping
  • Permaculture Design
  • Herbalism and Foraging
  • Community Development
  • Nonprofit Management … and much more!

Fellowship Phase I – Farm Study

May 13 – October 30, 2019

During the six months of Phase I of the Farm and Food Fellowship at AMI, a cohort of passionate individuals committed to revitalizing the food system live, work, and study together on our Mountain Farm in Highland County, VA. On the farm, Fellows gain a full-season of experience in sustainable growing methods, small animal husbandry, and homesteading skills. On top of this hands-on experience, Fellows learn from expert guest workshop instructors, explore regional farms and attend educational sessions. Fellows also explore food system through participation with a local school garden, weekly farmers market, farm stay programming and a culminating Capstone Project.

Phase I Fellows receive room and board and spend 40-50 hours per work in Fellowship activities, including occasional evening and weekend commitments for chores and AMI events. Fellows are granted personal days and holidays.

Tuition to Phase I is fully subsidized by AMI for all Fellows who fulfill the AMI Fellowship requirements, including participation in the Phase II year of service. Phase I Fellows will receive a $1,000 stipend upon signature and commitment to the Phase II contract.

I experienced six months of personal and botanical growth living atop Allegheny Mountain learning about the many intersections between food and community.  – Samantha Taggart, 2014-2015 Fellow
Life on the Mountain

It’s hard not to fall in love with our Allegheny Mountain Farm campus. Not only is the soil rich for growing abundant amounts of food, the farm is surrounded by picture-perfect mountain views, bubbling springs, hundreds of acres of natural forests, and a night sky lit up by the Milky Way.

Participants in the Farm and Food Education Fellowship at AMI stay in hand-crafted cabins, make farm-fresh meals together in commercial style kitchens and study in wifi-equipped common spaces.

Off the mountain, Fellows are welcomed into a rich Appalachian culture and the close-knit community of Highland County.

Fellowship Phase II – Service Work

January 6 – December 18, 2020

In Phase II of the Farm and Food Education Fellowship at AMI, Fellows give back and apply their Phase I training to a year of service with AMI and partner non-profit organizations. Phase II Fellows lead and contribute to projects such as: growing food on a market-style farm, creating infrastructure for local food systems, teaching gardening and cooking skills, and developing school gardens and site-based curriculum. Phase II Placements with Partner Organizations in 2019 include: Project Grows, the AMI Farm at Augusta HealthHighland County Public Schools, the Allegheny Mountain Farm.

Each month, Phase II Fellows meet for leadership training and professional development training, participate in monthly workshops or field trips, and are supported with one-on-one mentoring.

Phase II Fellows are non-exempt employees paid an hourly wage of $10 per hour (subject to payroll taxes). Fellows work 40 hours per week, with some occasional evening and weekend commitments. Phase II Fellows are provided with basic benefits, including Workers’ Compensation, paid time off and sick leave.

I know that I will be leaving AMI carrying a toolbox filled with the knowledge of how to address issues in our current food system and build community –- the catalysts that brought me to this amazing place and immersive program in the first place.  – Elora Overbey, 2017-2018 Fellow

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