Friends of Family Farmers Hiring Two Positions, Oregon

Two Molalla, Oregon-based job openings with Friends of Family Farmers. The positions are Program Director (full-time) and iFarm Director (part-time) – full job descriptions and application details can be found on their website. Application deadline is Friday, June 17th.

Friends of Farmers (FoFF) is a non-profit grassroots organization representing a united voice of Oregon’s independent family-scaled farmers and ranchers, local food advocates and concerned citizens who are working to foster an approach to agriculture that is respectful of the land, provides a viable livelihood for family farmers and ranchers, treats animals humanely, and sustains local communities. We are working to ensure that every Oregonian – urban and agrarian, farmer and eater – understands that they are a stakeholder in agricultural policy and participates in the reclamation of our food system. FoFF promotes sensible policies, programs and regulations that protect and expand the ability of Oregon’s family farmers to run a successful land-based enterprise while providing safe and nutritious food for all Oregonians.

A general description of FoFF’s Programs, including iFarm Oregon/Next Generation, the Farmer Campaign, the Eater Campaign, and the Watchdog/It’s My Backyard can be found on the website:

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