Free Online Farming Game is Fun & Educational

Teachers and parents have used games to enhance learning experiences for years. Now a free online game will help teach kids about agriculture. The game, called “My American Farm” is part of an interactive online educational program. Curtis Miller of the American Farm Bureau which helped develop the game says “One of the main things we tried to do was not only provide these games, which teach subject matter with agricultural themes, but also provide educator resources and ways to search the site so the educators can find those resources easily by subject matter, agricultural themes and topics. We also have fun family activities which are set up for the home and for things to do when kids come home from school and they have that time on the computer. These are activities that they can do after playing the game or in addition to it. The game can be found HERE.

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  2. Thanks for sharing. Will be back to see what you have next. I really like playing farm games online with my kids. I think it helps them think and I get to spend time with them. They love to challenge me.

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