Free Marketing Workshop for Southern Michigan Farmers

An invitation for all specialty crop, CSA and diversified farmers in southern Michigan:

The Washtenaw Food Hub, with support from Morse Marketing Connections and MDARD, would like to invite you to a FREE half-day marketing workshop in Ann Arbor, Michigan to learn about potential ways to grow your business.

Financial and food safety experts, value-added entrepreneurs and chefs as well as institutional buyers will share successful ways specialty crop farmers are opening doors to new markets through improved financial readiness and food safety practices. ** Please see the attached flyer with a description and schedule for the program.

Who: Specialty crop farmers

What: Free workshop including lunch and tour of the Washtenaw Food Hub – “Connecting Specialty Crop Farmers with New Markets and Food Hubs: Financial and Food Safety Options for Scaling Up”

When: Monday, May 5, 2014 from 11:15am-4:00pm

Where: Washtenaw Food Hub, 4175 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ann Arbor, MI. More info:

Registration for this workshop is free of charge but space is limited.

Please RSVP before April 28, 2014 at:

Note: Participants coming from more than 30 miles may request a travel scholarship for funds to reimburse mileage.  Contact Chad Gerencer: or 231-740-4056 for more information.

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