Free ‘Explore Farming’ Class in Massachusetts

Location: 9 Central St., Suite 402, Lowell MA (on the corner of Central and Merrimack Streets, across from the Dunkin Donuts) Cost: FREE New Entry Sustainable Farming Project's next Explore Farming! course is set to take place on September 9th from 4-6pm at our Lowell office. If you haven't registered yet, don't worry, you still have time - just click here for the registration form. During the class we will discuss some of the challenges and rewards of farm ownership, as opposed to other means of satisfying your interest in farming. A primary goal of the course is to encourage you to think realistically about the financial feasibility of starting and growing your own farm businesses. Most of the participants have worked on farms for at least one season, and know that they love farming, but are interested in learning how to start their own farm businesses. Whether you decide to pursue starting your own farm business, or would rather continue farming in another way, we have lots of resources to help you move forward in your farming career.

Explore Farming! meets only once, is scheduled on a rolling basis, and is free and open to anyone who sends in a registration form. In addition to providing guidance for potential farmers who want to take the first step, Explore Farming! also serves as a introduction to our Farm Business Planning Course, a six week course for those serious about getting started in small-scale sustainable farming. The next Farm Business Planning Course begins on October 19th, so this is a perfect time to check out Explore Farming! and decide whether you’re ready to get serious about starting your own farm business.

If you have any questions, please email If you have not already signed up, click on the link below for the registration form.

Register Now!

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