Free Beginning Farmer Training from OFRF

Organic Farming Research Foundation Offers Free Beginning Farmer Training – Basics of Organic Farming
OFRF’s free beginning farmer training program for organic specialty crop farmers is now available. This online training program is for beginning farmers, existing organic farmers, and farmers in transition to organic production. While it was developed for California specialty crop farmers, the content is based on foundational principles that are relevant to all organic farmers and our hope is that growers across the U.S. find it to be a useful resource. The self-guided nature of the training program allows you to move through the readings and resources, visual and written content, and demonstration videos at your own pace.
The online training program contains six learning modules: 1) soil health, 2) weed management, 3) irrigation and water management, 4) insect and mite pest management, 5) disease management, and 6) business management and marketing.
Please help us get the word out on this new resource. We are looking for feedback and ask that anyone who takes the program also completes the brief surveys at the end.
This open educational resource is a joint effort between OFRF, the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP), and California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. The self-paced program combines descriptive essays, video lectures from university faculty, and virtual field trips to demonstrate organic principles and practices.
View/take the online free beginning farmer training program here.
For close to three decades, OFRF has been at the forefront of the organic movement, awarding over $3M in research grants across the United States. As a result of OFRF’s research, education, and outreach efforts, thousands of farmers have received pertinent research and training information. All research results are shared freely.
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