Forage Field Day in Virginia, 2012

On Thursday, August 23 a Forage Field Day will be held at Triple Creek Ranch – The Poore Family Farm, in Virgilina, VA.

Participants can hear and see how innovative forage management techniques are impacting their production system. The Field Day will involve rotating between various stations to view and discuss specific management techniques.

Some of the highlighted topics include: converting to novel endophyte tall fescue using summer annuals, managing what you have to extend the grazing season and low stress handling of cattle. Other supporting topics include fencing and watering to make it all work, grazing summer forages for yield and quality, stockpiling for winter grazing, conservation practices that are helping to make the system sustainable, and technical and financial assistance that is available to support improved pasture management. The event will finish with an evening meal featuring locally produced beef from Farmhand Marketing Cooperative, and an after dinner presentation on the opportunities and challenges for pasture based beef production in the southeastern United States by North Carolina Cattlemen, Johnny Rogers.

This event is being hosted by the Virginia Forage and North Carolina Forage and Grassland Councils and Virginia and North Carolina Cooperative Extension. A variety of speakers will be making presentations on the topics mentioned. The Field Day starts at 2:30 PM and will end about 6:30 PM after dinner. The registration for this event is FREE and includes dinner. Triple Creek Ranch is located about 1 mile east of Virgilina on Route 49. There is NO cost to attend this event provided that you preregister by August 10 by calling Margaret Kenny at 434-292-5331. A $10 registration fee will be charged at the door for those NOT preregistering.

1 Comment on Forage Field Day in Virginia, 2012

  1. ALFRED NTIBAHAKADA // August 11, 2012 at 9:39 am // Reply

    our org,is a Distrct Network Small Scale Farmers Tanzania

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