Food Policy Council Conference in San Antonio Texas

San Antonio (Texas) is hosting a 2012 Food Policy Council Conference. Registration is Now Open. And Metro Health will underwrite first 200 registrations. With farmers’ markets blossoming across the city and an increased interest in the relation between the food system and individuals’ health, the San Antonio Food Policy Council is hosting their first conference on May 10 and 11, 2012 at the Northeast ISD Agriscience Magnet Program at 5005 Stahl Road. Registration for the conference is now open and Metro Health will underwrite the first 200 registrations. Individuals can register by visiting the conference’s webpage at Registration will close on May 1, 2012. Mark Winne will keynote the conference with a presentation on May 10. He is the author of Food Rebels, Guerilla Gardeners, and Smart Cookin’ Mamas: Fighting Back in an Age of Industrial Agriculture and Closing the Food Gap: Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty. Both books are available through The Twig Book Shop and will be sold at the conference.

Winne is a co-founder of a number of food and agriculture policy groups including the City of Hartford Food Policy Commission, the Connecticut Food Policy Council, End Hunger Connecticut!, and the national Community Food Security Coalition.

The conference will consist of three tracks, focusing on Producers and Markets, Community Food Systems, and Policy. Presentations will include Community Garden Initiatives, Food Waste Recovery, Federal and State Food Policies and Food Justice.

The mission of the Food Policy Council of San Antonio is to establish an equitable and sustainable food system in the greater San Antonio area. The council integrates the areas of community food issues and brings them to the mainstream – linking nutrition, anti-hunger, food safety, public health, sustainable farming and other concerns together to improve the community’s overall health, local economy, and environment.

2 Comments on Food Policy Council Conference in San Antonio Texas

  1. Barb McMillin // May 9, 2012 at 5:29 pm // Reply

    Please let me know if there are any cancellations for Thurs/Fri conference.

    I would love to attend.

    I plan to attend Wed eve at St Mark’s Episcopal Church to hear from Mark Winne. I can also inquire there if there are any openings for Thurs/Fri.


    Barb McMillin

    • Barb,

      You need to contact the conference organizers. I just post these opportunities. There should be contact info. in the post.

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