Food & Farm Activist Retreat, Maine

Food & Farm Activist Retreat - Sedgwick, Maine, August 10 -16 2011. Contact Food for Maine's Future for program information: 207-244-0908 or Food for Maine's Future will host an informal gathering of food and farm activists at Saving Seeds Farm in coastal Sedgwick, Maine. This event is a lead up to the 2012 North America Food Sovereignty Training Camp organized by Food for Maine's Future, La Via Campesina North America, National Farmers Union – Canada, and the Greenhorns. Space is limited to 20 participants. Priority will be given to individuals and groups committed to helping organize the 2012 North America Food Sovereignty Training Camp, location to be announced. The 2011 Food & Farm Activist Gathering is a hands-on leadership camp that promises valuable learning and networking opportunities for young food and farm activists. There will be ample time for formal and informal discussions, skill sharing, internal reflection, and for convening with the natural world.


Participants are expected to assist with farm chores, preparation of meals, and camp maintenance. Daily skill shares, discussions, and presentations will be open space format. Each participant is required to come prepared to lead one skill share, make a presentation to the group, or facilitate one group discussion.

Suggested topics for group discussions and/or presentations include farmland access, farmworker justice, building urban/rural alliances, movement building across borders, grassroots political strategies, organizational profiles, etc.

Participants are expected to participate on at least one work crew per day. Work crews include:

  • Farm Crew – AM farm chores and work projects at Saving Seeds Farm
  • Meal Crew – Preparation of two-three meals per day
  • Sanitation Crew – Ensure a clean, healthy camp environment, including cleaning up after meals
  • Safety Crew – Responsible for basic first aid

The gathering will include tours of local farms and volunteer work projects. Come prepared with clothing and footwear appropriate for farm work and visits. Expect to have your senses stimulated by the beauty of the area and the intelligence and commitment of your hosts and fellow campers. Come prepared for work and play.

If you’d like to learn more about next month’s Food & Farm Activist Retreat hosted by Food for Maine’s Future join the conference call Tuesday, July 19 at 3pm EST.

Number:  1.866.305.2467
Code:  260454#

The Blue Hill Peninsula, host area for the retreat, has a lot to offer for the food and farm enthusiast. The area is home to Eliot Coleman & Barbara Damrosch’s Four Season Farm and a number of small, diversified farms and fishing communities. Three towns in the area — Sedgwick, Penobscot, and Blue Hill — recently received international attention when their towns voted to adopt the Local Food & Community Self-Governance Ordinance.

A community dinner will take place Sunday, August 14 as a fundraiser for the 2012 camp. The meal will feature food from local farms and waters. Donations for our silent auction are welcome. Please contact Bob St.Peter at 207-244-0908 or to donate to the auction, RSVP for the community dinner and/or to discuss alternative plans for August 10-16.

Food for Maine’s Future will host two conference calls to provide information about the gathering, to discuss logistics, and answer questions from participants. This will be a time for participants to sign up for presentations, skill shares, or to facilitate discussions.

Tuesday, July 19 3PM EST

Call in number: 1.866.305.2467

Passcode: 260454#

Tuesday, August 2 3PM EST

Call in number: 1.866.305.2467

Passcode: 260454#

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