Flower Farm Apprentice Wanted – Washington

Flower Farm Apprentice

Woodbine Flower FarmFlower Farm Apprentice (Paid) in Centralia, Washington State – 2017

If you’re excited about the local flower farming movement and eager to learn about running a cut flower operation from the ground up, this is a unique opportunity to get exposure to everything from propagation to harvest, crop planning to financial management, web sites to customer relations. The majority of the hours will be fieldwork, with plenty of opportunity to work side by side with the owner on every other aspect of the business, depending on applicant’s interest and ability. Work will be done by the owner, the apprentice, the owner’s family members and likely one other part-time crew member.

Woodbine Flower Farm is three years old, a 4-1/2-acre intensive farm. Most product is sold wholesale to Portland, Oregon floral designers; there are a few additional sales to area florists, and we will be stocking a self-serve farm-stand this year.  Centralia is 25 miles south of Olympia, Washington and there is a thriving local farm scene in the area. Portland, Oregon is an hour and 15 minutes south.

The ideal flower farm apprentice is tough, efficient, and easygoing, with a long-term interest in pursuing flower farming. Hours start at 20 per week and ramp up by June to 30+ hours per week through the end of the growing season in October, then return to 20+ hours per week, with a strong potential for long-term employment and the potential for increased winter hours. Compensation begins at $12.00 per hour and may be higher based on experience.

Desired qualifications:

  • Highly responsible
  • Willing and able to put in long hours of physical labor in all weathers
  • Farm work experience
  • Willingness to learn and take direction
  • Detail-oriented
  • Reliable transportation
  • Good communication skills

If you are interested in the flower farm apprentice position, please email a resume and statement of interest, with 2 references, to People of any gender, race, sexual orientation or religion are encouraged to apply.

1 Comment on Flower Farm Apprentice Wanted – Washington

  1. Alejandro Tlahuiz // July 19, 2017 at 7:04 pm // Reply

    Hi! I’m Mexican and i’m interested in this apprenticeship, can i apply if i dont live in USA?

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