The Finding Land To Farm page provides information about:
- Finding land for sale
- Tips for finding land to farm
- A state-by-state listing of Land-Link programs
- And more…
Individuals interested in purchasing farmland might also be interested in our Funding (Loans/Grants) Page, which lists resources related to funding land purchases and other needs.
This page is organized into three main sections:
- General Resources about finding land to farm, both national and regional.
- Land listing services, both national and regional.
- LandLink programs by state. LandLink programs “link retirement and farm exit approaches with farm entry strategies.” For additional information on LandLink programs visit the International Farm Transition network (IFTN).

1. General Resources about Finding Land to Farm
2. Land Listing Services
- The Land Connection has a farmland classifieds page that helps link farmers and land, and also lists job opportunities and equipment for sale.
- is the largest rural listing service in the nation specializing in land for sale.
- LoopNet is a national search engine that allows you to search for farmland real estate listings in any part of the country.

- lists farmland for sale.
- Goodbye Citylife lists resources for those looking for farmland for sale.
- Shared Earth helps link farmers and gardeners looking for land, with people looking to share their land.
- AgriSeek allows you to search farms for sale by category and location.
- Mother Earth News lists farms and rural properties at their Lands for Sale page.
- Landsale Listings is a website with lots of information about rural land, farms, ranches and more.
- Rodale Institute’s Farmers Connect forum replaces their former ‘classifieds’ page.
- Tillable is the first true online marketplace for the $32 billion U.S. farmland rental market, optimizing returns for landowners and helping farmers access land to expand operations. For more information, call 833.845.5225.
- Farm Lease Pro is a web application that links farmers directly to farmland for lease in their area. Includes maps and use history.
Regional & State Resources for Finding Land to Farm
3. The following is a State by State listing of Land Link Programs that may help you in finding land to farm
This listing is adapted from the listing of network participants in the International Farm Transition Network. If you find broken links here, please let me know by sending me a message using our contact form. You can also find a list of FarmLink Programs from the Farmland Information Center. And check out FindAFarmer from Practical Farmers of Iowa. They are in Iowa, but the listings are nationwide.
California: California FarmLink
Connecticut: Connecticut FarmLink
Florida: Florida Farm Finder
Idaho: Idaho FarmLink
Illinois: Northeast Illinois Farmlink
Iowa: Beginning Farmer Center AND FindAFarmer
Maine: Maine Farmlink
Maryland: Eastern Shore Land Conservancy
Massachusetts: New England Land Link
Michigan: MiFarmLink
Minnesota: Land Stewardship Project
Montana: Land Link Montana
New Hampshire: New England Land Link
New Jersey: State Ag Development Committee
New Mexico: Central New Mexico Land Link
New York:
Catskills Farmlink is a collaborative of regional organizations, agencies and Cornell Cooperative Extension that supports Catskills farmers by offering online “classifieds” about educational programs…
Columbia Land Conservancy and Dutchess Land Conservancy established a partnership expanding the Farmer Landowner Match Program to serve farmers and landowners in both New York counties. The Match…
The Finger Lakes LandLink is a project of Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County and Groundswell Center for Local Food and Farming. The purpose of LandLink is to facilitate connections between…
The Hudson Valley Farmland Finder is a resource for farmers and landowners. This website is managed by Partners of the Hudson Valley Farmlink Network and serves 13 counties in the Hudson Valley.
Ohio: Heartland Farm Link
Oregon: iFarm Oregon
Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Farm Link, Inc.
or Center for Farm Transitions
Rhode Island: New England Land Link
Vermont: Family Farm Succession in Vermont
Virginia: Virginia Farm Link program
Washington: Washington FarmLink
Wisconsin: Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES)
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