Financial and Food Safety Success Webinar for Farmers

Boot Camp for Farmers – Financial and Food Safety Success – Monday, September 22, 2014, 6:00 – 8:30 pm

Workshop will be held via webinar:; Webinar is Free, please RSVP below

Note: If you have not been on an adobe connect webinar before, please use this link to test your internet connection ahead of time:

The U.P. Food Exchange, in partnership with Morse Marketing Connections, would like to invite you to a free webinar to learn about potential ways to grow your business and connect to new markets in the Upper Peninsula.

Financial and food safety experts will share successful ways specialty crop farmers are opening doors to new markets through improved financial readiness and food safety practices.

Ann Herrington of Greenstone Farm Credit will be presenting on financial literacy and business planning for profitability.  In addition, the U.P. Food Exchange will provide an update on how to reach new markets and the resources they are providing regarding food safety including the Group GAP pilot.  Please RSVP by Friday, September 19, 2014, by calling 906-635-6368 or by contacting

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