Field Crew Jobs in Colorado

farm pumpkins

Field Crew Jobs at Isabelle Farm in Colorado – 2016

Isabelle Farm in Lafayette Colorado is hiring Field Crew for the 2016 season. Qualified applicants will be field tough, have a positive attitude and the ability to show up on time Monday through Friday (average of 40-65 hours/week), ready to work hard.

Applicants musts have at least one full season at a production (5+ acres) produce farm under your belt; solid related references; a true passion for growing food, a great work ethic and staying power. A clean driving record and the ability to drive stick is a plus. Isabelle Farm is a no-smoking, no-alcohol, equal opportunity workplace.

We’ll get back to qualified candidates within 4 business days.

In addition to Field Crew Members for 2016, we’re looking for four specialized team members:  A Production Coordinator, a Packaging & Distribution Coordinator, a CSA Assistant and a Culinary Herb Specialist (see

As concerns all positions, pay is hourly and commensurate with experience, and benefits include lots of free veggies.

Please visit our website to complete the questions under the employment link. Then email employment@isabellefarm.comto apply. Isabelle Farm is Certified Organic.

Employment begins in April and we harvest until the end of October each season.

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