Farmstead Dairy Internship in Vermont

Sweet Rowen Farmstead Dairy Internship in Vermont – 2016
The internship program at Sweet Rowen Farmstead is a multi-disciplined opportunity to work and learn about small scale dairy, milk processing, and marketing. Albany is located in Vermont’s North East Kingdom, in the heart of a vibrant farm community.
Sweet Rowen Farmstead is a small family dairy farm focused on producing high quality grass-fed milk and fresh cheese. Much of the work includes twice daily chores, animal husbandry, gardening, fencing, and milk processing.
We welcome interns to share innovative ideas, and create a project they are interested in. We have many building projects planned for the next year so interns with carpentry experience are a plus. The Internship is demanding and requires that interns have a strong work ethic and willingness to learn. We will encourage interns to take the opportunity to meet and work for many of the neighboring farmers and learn about what they are doing. We support applicants with all experience levels to apply. A DRIVER’S LICENSE IS NECESSARY.
Three month internships:
– We try to split up the internship into three month blocks however; we are willing to modify the time line to meet your needs.
– Spring: March-May
– Summer: June – August
– Winter: September – January
– Since the farm is a small owner run businesses, we are not in a position to offer pay for the 3 month internship program. However, if interns express interest in staying longer than the 3 month internship then paid positions are possible.
Housing & Board:
– A private cabin with water, electricity, and composting toilet will be provided. Interns would be welcome to the garden and meat freezer and would be invited to the occasional family cook out.
Time Requirements:
– We are flexible with scheduling, however, interns will be encouraged to work 6 days a week.
How to apply for internship:
– Send cover letter, and resume.
– E-mail is the fastest way to get a response. You may call or mail your information.
– Once we have received your application we will set up a phone interview.
– After the phone interview we require that all interns come for a visit unless distance is an issue.
– Please contact us with any question about our internship program we love to talk and answer questions.
Sweet Rowen Farmstead
Paul Lisai
538 Lafont Rd.
W.Glover Vermont, 05875
Farm: 802-755-9960
Cell: 802-673-9512
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