Farmland and Housing Access Opportunity

Farmland and Housing Access Opportunity at Grassroots Organizing and Education Center, VT – 2019
Here’s a new project that presents a farmland and housing access opportunity in the eastern foothills of VT for folks looking for an opportunity to lease land, find affordable housing, and participate in a community committed to organizing for social justice and ecological agriculture.
– C A L L F O R F A R M E R S –
The Center for Grassroots Organizing in Marshfield, Vermont, is a grassroots organizing and education center focused on mass action and mobilization to end systemic injustice.
We’re looking for farmers with thoughtful agricultural proposals to contribute to the vitality of the land and surrounding community while carving out a livelihood for themselves.
Special consideration is given to POC farmers, regenerative ag, and social movement-oriented projects.
– O P P O R T U N I T I E S –
- 100+ number of acres forest, 15 acres sugarbush, 50 Acres pasture, Vershire/Tillotson soils
- High tunnel greenhouse, contingent on NRCS grant
- Tractor access
- Farm buildings: Barn, multiple animal, and equipment sheds
- Affordable housing available
- VSAC Non-Degree Grant eligible (Vermont residents only)
- Access to a community of experienced farmers
– C O N T A C T –
For questions about this Farmland and Housing Access Opportunity, or to request a proposal form, email or call, [cell] 917.922.5430
Access to Land: We’re accepting proposals from people who want to farm the land for short to medium-term. Special consideration for farmers of color, social justice mission driven projects, and regenerative farming proposals.
Cooperatives: Our measure of farming success is based on how many people can get involved in sustainable and just agriculture here and on allied projects. We’re working with our partners at the beautiful 600 acre Wheelock Mountain Farm to develop shared resources, programming, and organizers-in-residence.
Soil Carbon Farming: One of our top priorities is to establish an intensive grazing program. We will be introducing livestock to the land as we develop the personnel to engage in stewarding and supporting this project.
Our Agriculture Team: Graham Unangst-Rufenacht, Rural Vermont Staff & Farm to Plate Chair; Grace Gershuny, VT Healthy Soils Coalition co-chair; Meghan Stotko, Heartwood Farm and Rural Vermont Board; Tom Gilbert, Black Dirt Farm & co-founder of The Center for Agricultural Economy; and Jack Lazor, carbon farmer and founder of Butterworks Farm.
- Learn more about finding land and the resources available to make your farming dream come true at
- Find many more great farming resources at
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