Farmland Access Symposium in Massachusetts

Farmland Access Symposium

Saturday, April 12, 2014 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Berkshire Athenaeum (Pittsfield’s Public Library), One Wendell Avenue – Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Lunch will be served + Advance registration required + Space Limited


Berkshire Grown and Community Land Trust in the Southern Berkshires are convening a conversation among people and organizations working in the Berkshires to put more farmers on the land and more land into farming. We believe access to affordable farmland is critical to our food security and the sustainability of our economy. We would like to discuss with you ways we can build a more secure land base for farms, farmer housing and related businesses. Our intention is to foster dialogue among –

       • Established, new and retiring farmers

       • Land owners considering options for farming on their land

       • The land conservation community

       • Agriculture commissions

       • Community food security planners

       • Sustainable community organizers

       • Financial advisors, assessors and attorneys

This event is a collaboration of Community Land Trust in the Southern Berkshires, Berkshire Grown, Berkshire Co-op Market, Land for Good, The Carrot Project, Great Barrington Agriculture Commission, Berkshire Natural Resources Council, Schumacher Center for a New Economics and Bard College at Simon’s Rock Center for Food Studies.


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