Farmland Access and Transfer Conference

Maine Farmland Access and Transfer Conference
4th Annual Farmland Access & Transfer Conference hosted byMaine Farmland Trust & Land For Good
Monday, December 3, 2018 / Augusta Civic Center / Augusta, ME
For farm seekers, retiring farmers, landowners & service providers.
Join us for a day of practical workshops to better understand the options, resources, and steps to accessing or transferring your farm or farmland.
- Are you a farmer wondering what will happen when you’re ready to stop farming?
- Are you a farmer looking for land?
- Are you a landowner thinking about making your property available for farming?
- Are you a service provider who helps with issues related to farmland access?
Learn strategies for keeping your farmland in production including how to tackle succession planning, plus how to find and secure farmland of your own, negotiate a good lease agreement, and more.
Opening Session 8:45-10AM – Stories from the Field
Presenters: Stacy Brenner of Broadturn Farm; Jo Barrett: previous co-owner/operator of King Hill Farm; BrennaMae Thomas-Googins of Patch Farm; Carrie Whitcomb of Springdale Farm
Navigating the decision-making to transfer a farm or to access land is an intensely personal experience, even when shared with family or business partners. Case studies of successful farm transfer and access scenarios abound, and information about different tools and strategies for working through these components of farming are readily available. These resources become all the more useful when informed by the lived experiences of the farmers that have succeeded in transferring and accessing land. This opening session promises to be rich with personal stories about the real-world successes and challenges of farm transfer and access as told from the storyteller’s personal point of view. Join us and gain new insights into and appreciation for some of the real work that goes into farm transfer and access scenarios before we embark on a day full of engaging topics.
More information, session descriptions, and registration HERE.
Learn more about farmland access and transfer at
Learn more about farm succession planning at
Find more great farming resources at
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