Farming Workshop: Spring Greenhouse Production, Massachusetts

Join the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project on March 29th, 2012 at 5:00 pm for a workshop on Spring Greenhouse Production. The training will be held at the Ogonowski Fields, 126 Jones Ave., Dracut, Massachusetts.   Can you believe it's already springtime again?  That winter barely seemed real.  Though this winter has been warmer than most, many New England crops will still get a valuable head start if they are planted first in a greenhouse or hoophouse. Join New Entry in the fields this coming Thursday and learn how to plan your greenhouse crops to maximize space and growing time inside the hoop house and outside on the fields.  Together we will learn about crop planning, planting, and potting mixes inside the greenhouse. Register Now! Click "read more" for directions to Ogonowski Fields where the event will be held. And go to to learn more about other beginning farmer training programs.

Directions: The Spring Greenhouse Production Training will be held at the Ogonowski Fields, 126 Jones Ave. Dracut, MA:

FROM BOSTON OR EAST: Route 93: Take Rt. 93 North to exit 46, Rt. 110/113 Methuen/Dracut. At the exit, circle the rotary and follow Rte 113 WEST to Dracut. Follow Rte 113 West approximately 5 miles.  At a light you will see Jones Avenue on your right and Wheeler on your left.  Turn right on Jones Avenue and continue about a 100 feet to Ogonowski Fields on your left.  You will see a stone wall near the road and a greenhouse on the field.
FROM WEST and SOUTH: Take 495 to the Lowell Connector, drive to the end of the Connector (Exit 5C). Turn left onto Gorham Street and continue north to a split, bearing right towards Bridge Street. Cross the bridge. After approximately 2 miles, you will see the Market Basket plaza on your right, take a right at the next stoplight onto Rte. 113.  Continue approximately 1 mile until a light where you will see Jones Avenue on your left and Wheeler on your right.   Turn left on Jones Avenue and continue about a 100 feet to Ogonowski Fields on your left.  You will see a stone wall near the road and a greenhouse on the field.
FROM LOWELL: Get onto Bridge Street from downtown towards Dracut. After approximately 2 miles, you will see the Market Basket plaza on your right, take a right at the stoplight at Rte. 113. Continue approximately 1 mile until a light where you will see Jones Avenue on your left and Wheeler on your right.  Turn left on Jones Avenue and continue about a 100 feet to Ogonowski Fields on your left.  You will see a stone wall near the road and a greenhouse on the field.

PARKING:  Please park your vehicle near perpendicular to the stone wall next to the road.

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