Farming Resources

Tool Lending Libraries for Gardeners

November 12, 2009 // 0 Comments

There are several areas in the country that have ‘libraries’ which lend tools to gardeners and small farmers. They include one in Portland Oregon. [...]

Farm to School News, Virginia

November 6, 2009 // 0 Comments

Official communication from both Virginia DOE ( and VDACS [...]

Goat Farming in India

November 6, 2009 // 68 Comments

A reader recently asked for information about Goat Farming in India. Here is what I was able to find (Updated 8/28/10). Also see our Goat Farming Page which includes these [...]

New Vegetable Growing Guides from iGrowVeg

November 3, 2009 // 0 Comments

iGrowVeg is a great website with lots of useful information and tips on vegetable growing. They also have a number of new (and old) vegetable growing guides available which [...]
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