Farming Resources: Publications, Regulations, Research

New Publication: Apple IPM for Beginners  
Apple IPM for Beginners is a new series of simplified factsheets and scouting guides that make integrated pest management easier for beginners. The guides include such topics as apple scab, aphids and leafhoppers, trunk borers, choosing sprays and more. You can download the free online version or contact Deborah Breth at for hard-copy purchase information.

Organic Regulations and Handbook Now Available in Spanish   The National Organic Program is now providing Spanish versions of the USDA organic regulations and program handbook, to make it easier for Spanish-speaking farmers, handlers, and certifiers to understand and comply with the USDA organic regulations. The 80-page Reglamentos Organicos Estadounidenses and the 310-page Manual del Programa Nacional Orgánico are both available online.

Beef Farm Account Book Available The Cornell Beef Farm Account Book is once again available. The accounting record book is designed specifically for beef producers. A complete and accurate set of financial records helps producers develop accurate tax returns but as important gives them the data to analyze their business. Using this accounting record book the farm manager will have the data needed to complete the Beef Farm Business Summary. The Farm Business Summary is a confidential analysis of business records to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the beef enterprise. This allows for better decision making to increase farm profitability. To purchase a copy of the Cornell Beef Farm Account Book, contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension Livestock Educator at or Tom Gallagher, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Albany County,,518- 765-3500.

Study Explores How Climate Change Will Affect Agriculture   Climate change will require major transformations in agricultural systems, including increased irrigation and moving production from one region to another, according to a new study by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. The study provides a global scenario analysis that covers nine different climates, 18 crops, and four crop-management systems, as well as the interactions between crop production, consumption, prices, and trade. View the study here.

Michigan Food Hub Network Case Study Published The Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems has released The Michigan Food Hub Network: A Case Study in Building Effective Networks for Food System Change. The 24-page publication relates some of the key lessons the Michigan Food Hub Network has learned, detailing considerations for food hubs and partners in starting a food hub network.View the report here.

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