Farming Opportunities at Incubator Farm in Michigan

BREAKING NEWS! Tilian Farm is hosting an informational party to learn more about the two open farmer positions at Tilian Farm Development Center beginning in 2012: Sunday, November 6, 3:00-4:30p at The Ravens Club, downtown Ann Arbor. Light refreshments, cash bar, Q & A. Come learn more!

Tilian Farm Development Center, an incubator farm in Michigan is now accepting applications for two new positions starting in early 2012. 

Tilian facilitates new farming business development opportunities in order to increase diversified production for local markets, year round in our food shed. ( Tilian is a fiscally sponsored partner of Food System Economic and leases land from Ann Arbor Charter Township.  Tilian’s first project is the Four Season Farmer Incubator, a two year program designed to help individuals transition from farming experience to farm ownership.  The Incubator is moving into its second year with three established farms that launched in April of 2011. The project will now expand to accommodate two additional farm businesses.

New participants will launch their new businesses operate their farms on site for two years.  Qualified participants will be able to demonstrate: Significant experience and skill, growing food for market;  An entrepreneurial drive to own your own farm business in the southeast Michigan region; A detailed business plan for the farm you plan to start at Tilian

Upon acceptance, participants will have access to land and other resources for two years at the Tilian Farm Development Center, located at 4400 Pontiac Trail in Ann Arbor Township. Participants will have at least 2 acres of land to cultivate. Other assets of the center currently include a barn with wash-pack facilities and cooler, water and electrical services, 10,000 sf of hoop houses, BCS walk-behind tractor, seeders and other tools. A grant was just awarded that will add over $90,000 in additional equipment.

Much more information is available in our letter to applicants.

APPLY NOW to launch your farm business at Tilian in 2012!

Are you an entrepreneurial-minded farmer eager to start your business in Michigan? Are you committed to farming long term, building relationships within your community and boosting the local economy by increasing access to local food? Then you should consider applying to Tilian’s Four Season Farmer Incubator Project today! To learn more, read the letter to applicants and if you are still interested, complete the application below the letter.

Tilian is looking forward to adding two more farms to their Incubator community next Spring!

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