Farming Michigan’s Upper Pennisula

It's a tough place to farm, there is no doubt. In some parts of the UP, a killing frost in August is not unheard of. But there is a lot of land, and a number of developing local market opportunities. And there are a number of beginning farmers who are doing it successfully, after years of exploring, learning, and developing new markets. Click 'read more' below to see some pictures from my trip to one of these innovative farms, started 20 years ago by a couple with no previous farming experience. They process their own chickens, and direct market chickens, eggs, meat, and vegetables in the markets they have helped to build, and directly off their diverse 80 acre farm which is their sole source of income. It takes a hearty, heady farmer to pull it off, but it's also one of the most beautiful places on earth (as the pictures only hint at). 100_1016

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1 Comment on Farming Michigan’s Upper Pennisula

  1. Anymore on farming in the UP?? Would love to find out more.

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