Farming Internships in Colorado

HoophousesSongHaven Farm in Cahone, Colorado is offering 2-4 farming internships starting April 15th and ending October 15th 2013. Application Deadline: March 1st; Minimum Length of Stay: Prefer a six month commitment, but will accommodate a shorter length of stay (minimum 2 months) SongHaven Farm is a small sustainable farm in southwest Colorado consisting of grasslands, native forests and garden spaces. The farm is off-the-grid in a rural area 30 miles northwest of Cortez (great opportunities for adventures into the mountains and canyon lands).  A wide variety of vegetables, flowers and herbs are raised using organic methods. We also raise egg layers and have milk goats for our own consumption. Our products are direct marketed through through a farmers market, CSA and restaurant accounts. For more details and contact information click 'read more'.

Farming is a challenging pursuit. The successful candidates must be able to work hard, enjoy physical labor and be accustomed to early mornings. Previous experience with gardening and/or livestock a plus. We look for candidates who can take responsibility and be accountable for their actions. Following through and completing tasks essential. Clear-headedness, common sense and the ability to work as part of a team and individually are also important.

Interns will be provided with private sleeping quarters as well as a shared intern living room/kitchen space.  Large communal lunch on work days; breakfast and dinner prepared independently in the intern kitchen. Interns will be able to eat products produced at the farm, including eggs, goat milk and vegetables. We encourage workers to cooperatively prepare meals.  A monthly stipend as well as an end of season bonus for those who complete the whole season is available.

Educational opportunities include, but are not limited to: alternative building techniques; layer hen management, including egg collection/packaging and broody hen nurturing; soap crafting and creation of herbal remedies; managing, caring and milking of goats; all aspects of gardening, from preparing of beds, propagating plants, caring for plants, weed management, irrigating, harvesting, marketing and seed saving; composting in many different systems; permaculture ideas and systems approach; CSA management & distribution; farmer’s market setup and sales; food preservation in the form of drying, freezing, canning and  many other methods.

Everyone on the farm is expected to help perform all livestock and gardening functions, including, but not limited to, the processing of chickens and turkeys (if we raise these for meat), livestock husbandry, gardening and the milking of the goats.  Daily work schedule ranges from 8-10 hrs/day, five days a week. There will be time given off for vacation periods throughout the season.  Interns will need to have their own transportation.  References, details of previous experience and a personal vision statement will be required as part of an application.

Contact SongHaven Farm at to apply for an internship.

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