Farming Courses from Cornell Small Farms

New Farming Courses from Cornell Small Farms Starting Online in January 2020
It’s already time to start planning for the new year. The third block of farming courses from Cornell Small Farms begins in January, 2020 and covers a range of topics to help your farm business.
- Have an idea for a farm enterprise but not sure if it’s feasible? This course will help you explore the potential markets and profitability of your ideas, picking up where BF 101: Starting at Square One left off. (Note: BF 101 is not a prerequisite.)
- If you’ve been struggling to make your farm operation profitable without driving yourself into the ground, this financial planning course is for you. You will learn how to make financial decisions toward farm and family values and goals.
- Tree fruit are an important component of the agricultural and homeowner landscape. This course trains beginning tree fruit growers in fundamental concepts in orchard planning and management.
- Have sheep or thinking about getting a flock? Producers of all experience levels will find something for them in this lively, wide-ranging course. There is no one right way to raise sheep — this course covers many of these different options.
- This course continues where BF 120 ends, covering vegetable production from transplanting to harvest, including: in-season fertility, integrated pest management, weed control, harvesting, and marketing. (Note: BF 120 is not a prerequisite.)
- With a bit of practice, mushrooms can be easily grown in the woods on many products. This course trains new and experienced farmers in the background, techniques, and economics of farm scale woodland mushroom production.
Farming courses from Cornell Small Farms are offered with tiered pricing from $199 – $299, based on household size and income to make access to the courses more affordable and equitable for everyone. Browse all of our course offerings on the Cornell Small Farms website and register now to start learning.
- Learn more about beginning farmer training programs at
- Find tons of other great farming resources at
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