Farming Conferences: The Season is Almost Here

Farming Conferences

The season of farming conferences is coming. That magical time of year when we begin to take stock of the season that we are leaving behind, and start imagining the season to come. Farming conferences season is a time for fellowship and hope. And here at Beginning Farmers, we hope you will choose a couple to attend in the next few months. Here are some early conferences that you might want to think about:

Women, Food & Ag Network Annual Conference
November 6-7, 2015 in Davenport, Iowa 
The conference theme is “Women Protecting Pollinators, Protecting Food.” Sessions will focus on creating and protecting habitat for native pollinators, as well as building robust local food systems and supporting women farmers and landowners. Field tours will visit nearby projects and women-owned farms.

Sustainable Agriculture Conference 
November 6-8, 2015 in Durham, North Carolina
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association’s conference offers opportunities to learn from the experts about cutting-edge techniques and innovative programs and to connect with others rebuilding a healthy, local foodshed from seed to plate. The event offers 66 workshops, five pre-conference tours, 12 intensive sessions, exhibitors, and more.

Green Lands Blue Waters Conference
November 3-4, 2015
in Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Bridges and Buffers, Farms and Cities: Continuous Living Cover Farming Systems” brings solution-oriented approaches to some of the hot topics in Midwest agriculture today. Agricultural water issues, pollinators, and soil health are on the agenda.

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