Farmers Market Legal Toolkit

Farmers Market Legal Toolkit Launching January 2018 – Introductory Webinar Available
On Tuesday, January 16th, several partners proudly launched the Farmers Market Legal Toolkit. The Farmers Market Legal Toolkit is an online resource designed to support farmers markets throughout the U.S. by providing market managers with open-source legal tools. This Toolkit will help farmers market leaders build and grow resilient and accessible farmers markets in their communities, while planning proactively to minimize their market’s legal risk. To explore the Toolkit, visit
The Farmers Market Legal Toolkit is a four-year collaboration among the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law School (CAFS), the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT), and theFarmers Market Coalition (FMC). Funding is generously provided by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The Toolkit was created in response to recurring questions from market managers. It is built around the three most common legal issue areas that markets encounter: understanding business structures, accepting SNAP benefits, and managing risks. This online Toolkit provides legal resources, best practice recommendations, and case studies on enhancing market governance structures, accepting SNAP benefits, and managing common risks. Market leaders can use these legal tools to clarify responsibilities and expectations of markets, their vendors, and host sites, among others.
If you think this resource would be valuable to colleagues and partners, please forward this email, or spread the word on social media (follow @CAFScenter).
Upcoming Webinar:
Want to learn how to use the Toolkit? Join us for a Webinar on the Farmers Market Legal Toolkit to learn about legal resources, best practice recommendations, and stories from other markets.
Webinar Date/Time: Thursday, February 1st, 2018 12:00-12:30 PM EST
Register here:
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